Originally posted by absorbation
Hello there
. I found this page yesterday which basiclly should sum up using the registry in JScript
that wont help.
The registry activex object is very very limited. It can not be used for what Rene wants.
RegWrite, RegRead and RegDelete are the only ones that JScript knows and those methods are very, and I mean very, limited.
- You can not check if a registry key exists or not with RegRead; it will produce an error. => can be worked around using error checking.
- You can not write bigger values than a DWORD to a binary registry value (this means no binary data strings for example)
- You can not write a REG_MULTI_SZ value with RegWrite
- You can not enumerate registry keys
- and the list goes on...
To do more than simple reading a
known value, you need to revert to the registry Windows APIs and enumeration.
Can't you just simply export that registry map within Windows registry editor? What's the purpose of your request?