emoticones in nickname |
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O.P. emoticones in nickname
is there a script that allows us to put emoticones in our nickname, not the default ones that u get automaticly. iam talking about the ones that we share and we can save. if there is a way already can u tell me, cuz i v never seen any one with a nickname and it s got his own emoticone on it, its all them s**ty ones. 
06-30-2006 12:03 AM |
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RE: emoticones in nickname
There is no way to do that, because your contacts dont have the emos, so there is no way, sorry....
*All posts are a purely speculative hypothesis based on abstract reasoning.
Not my daughter, you bitch!
06-30-2006 12:05 AM |
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O.P. RE: emoticones in nickname
06-30-2006 12:25 AM |
Elite Member

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RE: emoticones in nickname
quote: Originally posted by Voldemort
because your contacts dont have the emos
Even if they did, it's not possible.
06-30-2006 12:30 AM |
New Member

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O.P. RE: emoticones in nickname
but is there a patch or some thing to turn the space wer u write u nikname into a html blog so u can put pictures? 
06-30-2006 01:45 AM |
Junior Member
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RE: emoticones in nickname
You wan't to turn your nickname into a webpage?? 
06-30-2006 02:01 AM |
Scripting Contest Winner

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RE: emoticones in nickname
Even if you did that, it wouldn't send the nickname to the server correctly (because messenger tries to read a textbox), and the list with the contacts wouldn't parse the images.
06-30-2006 02:04 AM |
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RE: emoticones in nickname
quote: Originally posted by hustl3r
but is there a patch or some thing to turn the space wer u write u nikname into a html blog so u can put pictures? 
no, there is no patch or anything that will allow HTML to be used in conversations, PSMs, or Nicknames. this is because if a security issue, it is unsafe to have html run on MSN. for the same reason we have to use Mybb tags here on the forums instead of html
people could put bad code in the message and possable infect your computer
in addition, even if there WAS a patch, which there simple is not, it would only be view the code on the patched version of WLM, other people could not see it.
06-30-2006 02:21 AM |
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RE: emoticones in nickname
Hi all
i wanted the same thing too,
i have a PMS script tht does it and all my friends are seeing this logo too, some of them dnt have messenger plus and some of them have the old msn messenger.
code: var INIFILE = MsgPlus.ScriptFilesPath + "\\conf.ini";
var icono = "Music";
By . f e l i p E
greetings from Los Mochis, Mexico
kocoae .. http://kocoae.spaces.msn.com
English pack Translated by aNILEator
function OnGetScriptMenu(nLocation){
var LANG = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,"langs","lang","English");
var ScriptMenu = "<ScriptMenu>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuAuthor1\">. f e l i p E</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuAuthor2\">k o c o a e</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<Separator/>";
var x = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,LANG,"mnuxPSM","Set xPSM");
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuXPSM\">" + x + "</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<Separator/>";
var x = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,LANG,"mnuAbout","About xPSM...");
ScriptMenu += "<MenuEntry Id=\"MnuCreditos\">" + x + "</MenuEntry>";
ScriptMenu += "<Separator/>";
var x = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,LANG,"mnuLang","Language");
ScriptMenu +=" <SubMenu Label='" + x + "'>";
var x = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,"langs","1","Unknow");
var xx="Unknow";
var lng=1;
do {
xx = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,"langs", lng,"Unknow");
if ( xx == "Unknow" ) break;
ScriptMenu += " <MenuEntry Id='LNG-"+xx+"'>"+xx+"</MenuEntry>";
} while ( x != "Unknow" );
ScriptMenu +=" </SubMenu>";
ScriptMenu += "</ScriptMenu>";
return ScriptMenu;
function OnEvent_MenuClicked(sMenuId,nLocation,iOriginWnd){
var LANG = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,"langs","lang","English");
switch (sMenuId)
case "MnuAuthor1" :
if (nLocation ==2 )
{ var x = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,LANG,"author1","http://mypropiocielo.spaces.msn.com [xPSM v1.1]"); iOriginWnd.SendMessage ; }
case "MnuAuthor2":
if (nLocation ==2 )
{ var x = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,LANG,"author2","http://kocoae.spaces.msn.com [xPSM v1.1 ]"); iOriginWnd.SendMessage ; }
case "MnuCreditos":
var LANG = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,"langs","lang","English");
var wnd = MsgPlus.CreateWnd(LANG+'.xml','Creditos');
case "MnuXPSM":
if ( MsgPlus.RemoveFormatCodes(Messenger.MyCurrentMedia) == "" )
var MSG1 = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,LANG,"msg1","For xPSM to work please enable the 'What I am listening to' feature");
var LANG = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,"langs","lang","English");
var wnd = MsgPlus.CreateWnd(LANG+'.xml','WndxPSM');
if (sMenuId.substring(0,4) == "LNG-") var SAVE = new ActiveXObject("felipe.ini").GuardarIni(INIFILE,"langs","lang",sMenuId.substring(4));
var WSHShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
var intDoIt;
intDoIt = WSHShell.Popup("Cambiar el idioma a\n"+ sMenuId.substring(4), 0, "Confirmación --- xPSM", 65 );
if ( intDoIt == 1) var SAVE = new ActiveXObject("felipe.ini").GuardarIni(INIFILE,"langs","lang",sMenuId.substring(4));
function OnCreditosEvent_CtrlClicked(Wnd, ControlId){
switch (ControlId)
case "BtnClose" :
case "kocoae" : Abrir('http://kocoae.spaces.msn.com'); break;
case "luisfernando" : Abrir('http://drugged8.spaces.msn.com'); break;
case "davinxi" : Abrir("http://davinxi.spaces.msn.com"); break;
case "aNILEator" : Abrir('http://fukafly.zerogen.co.uk/site/'); break;
function OnWndxPSMEvent_CtrlClicked(Wnd, ControlId)
switch (ControlId)
case "Aceptar":
new ActiveXObject('felipe.sarabia').SetMusicInfo('', '', '', icono, '', Wnd.GetControlText('valor'));
case "Music": icono = "Music"; break;
case "Games": icono = "Games"; break;
case "Office": icono = "Office"; break;
function Animar(pPlusWnd){
Interop.Call("User32", "AnimateWindow", pPlusWnd.Handle, 180, "0x10000" | "0x80000");
function Abrir(URL){
new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').Run(URL);
function parseCommands(sMessage,iOriginWnd){
if (sMessage.charAt(0) == '/'){
if(sMessage.charAt(1) == '/'){
return sMessage;
} else {
var firstSpace = sMessage.search(' ');
if(firstSpace == -1){
var command = sMessage.toLowerCase().substr(1);
var params = '';
} else {
var command = sMessage.toLowerCase().substr(1, firstSpace-1);
var params = sMessage.toLowerCase().substr(firstSpace+1);
if(params != "") { Debug.Trace("The command \"" + command + "\" with the parameters \"" + params + "\" has been parsed."); }
else { Debug.Trace("The command \"" + command + "\" has been parsed."); }
switch(command) {
case 'xpsm':
var LANG = new ActiveXObject('felipe.ini').LeerIni(INIFILE,"langs","lang","English");
var wnd = MsgPlus.CreateWnd(LANG+'.xml','WndxPSM');
sMessage = "";
return sMessage;
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd, sMessage) {
if(sMessage.charAt(0) == "/"){
return parseCommands(sMessage,ChatWnd);
return sMessage;
function OnGetScriptCommands(){
var commands = '<ScriptCommands>';
commands+='<Description>Cambiar PSM</Description>';
commands+='<Parameters>New Message;Music</Parameters>';
return commands;
thx for help
08-18-2006 11:12 PM |
Elite Member

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RE: RE: emoticones in nickname
quote: Originally posted by ruN.
![[Image: unbenanntol8.png]](http://img226.imageshack.us/img226/7924/unbenanntol8.png)
That's not a custom emoticon/HTML in your PSM, but a built in PSM icon like the music head telephone. This has nothing to do with HTML in your nickname/PSM. Please mind before posting. 
08-19-2006 10:09 AM |