Thanks guys, I'm aiming to make a complete file serving script, so your ideas and suggestions are always welcome
Originally posted by cooldude_i06
How about ability to upload files to server...
Well it *could* be possible, the script would check if MP!L can auto-accept files in that account, if it can you could upload using "upload <file>" and then sending the file after (MP!L would auto-accept it) and the script would listen for the file in the ReceivedFiles directory, and when completed would move it to you current fileserver directory. Will try to implement this
Originally posted by RaceProUK
pwd (Print Working Directory)?
getm (Get Many, with wildcards)?
pwd » consider it done
getm » seems possible to implement to me, will need added security so you don't just get sent 100 files at a time, but can be done
Originally posted by upsfeup
I would suggest a logging feature so that the fileserver owner can see the resume of what happened
Will do !
Originally posted by [Shadow]
Looks great, I hope this would work sometime.
It will
Originally posted by craig2k5
this sounds like a gr8 idea,
how does it work? would the "File Server" be a seperate msn account? or what? im a little 
No need for a separate account, you just fire it up in your normal MSN account (as you can turn it On and Off, so it can be Off while you're at MSN and On when you're out). You can create a separate MSN ccount for it, tho.
Originally posted by b0rna
im making the exact same plugin...
I bet we're not the only ones, this kind of script could be very useful and I was thinking there'd be one out by now. As there isn't, that's why I started to develop my own! Anyway, timed seperation (in my case I used 500ms) for very big directories is already in place (tho I don't see the need to serve a 10,000 files' directory

There isn't a beta yet as I'm trying to make it the best I can before releasing it, but you can send me a PM with your e-mail and when I feel it's time to test I'd add you and we could test it