Well Maybe it's a bug but when i'm having a VideoCall
and i'm having other contact messages. Using de message
windows in Maximum Size.
If i Put the video window to fullscreen and then back
to it's normal size, the conversation window it comes back
like a small sized window and i have to readjust it by presing the button
that's not the one to minimize nor to close.. (i don't remember de name of it)
the one on the middle of those two, twice.
With every one of my contact message windows that are tabbed.
So maybe it's a bug of the tabbed convos.
I'm not sure but i post it to know what do u say 'bout it.
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RE: VideoCall And Tabbed Convos Bug
quote:Originally posted by Zales
that's not the one to minimize nor to close.. (i don't remember de name of it)
the one on the middle of those two, twice.
Restore/maximise, depending on window state.
Does this hapen when Tabbed Convos are turned off?