Originally posted by Fuse101
1. Private Message inside joint conversations
You can open seperate chat windows for private chats. Dont think thats possible but if you meant something like notices/quiries like in irc then thats a good idea. Dont think protocol would allow that but its a good idea

Why not just open a seperate chat window like i said?

Or just move to irc (if you are comfortable and good at it) cause irc is way better (imo) for large chats
Originally posted by Fuse101
2. Animated Display Pictures
Atm you need to buy those (and muggins too) so i think adding support for something like that isnt allowed. Also msn protocol used to not allow moving images (animated gif's) to be used as dp's

I dont think anything would have changed cause they want their muggins and stuff to sell ... else whats the point?
Originally posted by Fuse101
3. Bring Custom Names Back!
WLM added this feature to their release so there is no point in Plus! having it. Right click on any contact in the contact list (main) window and click 'add a nickname'
You can alternately do so even when you are adding a contact
Originally posted by Fuse101
4. Being Able to Choose What Order Contact Group Go in
Interesting idea

The search feature is what most people use now a days but the idea is good
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