Originally posted by Poom
It seems like PE Explorer is way too advanced for a semi-geek for me to use. >.> Well, I am lazy to start learning programming afterall.
Has not much (if not nothing) todo with programming though. You don't need to know one bit about programming to use it... it helps though...
PE Explorer has a resource editor build in. All the rest is of no interest atm.
Originally posted by Poom
I'll try resource hacker then, as I've heard many use of it, but never gotten around to actually trying it.
Update: Yep, this works great. Still doesn't do what I want though.
It does do what you want though, but you probably did something wrong

The build number is located in the version resource of a file (almost always the last resource in the list). Edit that, recompile the resource table, save the file and you're done.
Note that a build number is stored in several places inside the version resource and each place has its own function. Editing the build number can have serious consequences for messenger itself, and/or for the addons working with it. Be carefull.
PS1: always, always, always make a backup of the file you're going to edit first... did I mention: always?
PS2: PE Explorer lets you edit a few more fields in the version resource than ResHacker can though. But those 'extra' fields are almost always of no interest.