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Disable Multiple Converstions...Someone must do something!
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O.P. Disable Multiple Converstions...Someone must do something!
Hello Guys, I'm an italian user and my english is very bad, so I won't post for longer time, but just for this question. I'm very sorry if this thread does not stay in its appropiate place and if I'm breaking the rules of the forum! Sorry!:$
but let's explain the question8-|
I'm having troubles with multiple conversations (don't know if it's the correct name, I'm talking about a window with three or more contacts). My Messenger contacts continuonsly invite me in them and this is getting me mad! In previously versions you were able to see who was inviting you and -very important- if accept or deny multiple conversation...but in live messenger it doesn't work so, so it automatically accepts every conversation. It's not possible to create a script with an enable/disable option for this? I think it could be a very useful trick! Thank you

This post was edited on 07-09-2006 at 12:11 AM by Santiago81.
07-08-2006 03:43 PM
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RE: Disable Multiple Converstions...Someone must do something!
I think you're confusing something here, as no version of MSN Messenger (including WLM) asks for confirmation pre-group chat. And it's not possible to add a script for this, as it's a protocol issue.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
07-08-2006 10:45 PM
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O.P. RE: Disable Multiple Converstions...Someone must do something!
No no I'm right! I don't remember what version was (I use messenger since 1999) but surely an older type got this functionality in past (even if some people say I'm fucking crazy, I probably miss some roller in my mind during these years and then I'm going wrong). In past I rarely took part in them but these time my friend discovered this functionality and they're abusing of it too much. However, it's very stressful to close group conversation every single minute, It will be dangerous for my mental health in future I think...aaaargh! Thank You(Y)
I believe the only solution is to block most of my contacts for the moment...

Tomorrow the world cup(H)(so)

This post was edited on 07-09-2006 at 12:10 AM by Santiago81.
07-09-2006 12:02 AM
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