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Suggestion for some improvement
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O.P. Wink  Suggestion for some improvement
I'm not sure if this is the place to post suggestions, but I really want to say this and it doesn't go on the other forums.
First of all why doesn't the Plus!Live have the messenger automatic docking feature? (or does it?) It looks neater when it is docked. And it also helps us quickly make the window the right size if it is in another position.
Second, what Plus! Live should have is a media player in each convo, all synchronized. And a folder somewhere in the computer where a bunch of music is stored, so while we are chatting we can listen to music right through messenger itself. Another feature with this would be sharing the same background music with another person just like we can share background images.
I hope these features can be added. :D
07-09-2006 01:21 AM
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RE: Suggestion for some improvement
Originally posted by adeadsniper
I'm not sure if this is the place to post suggestions, but I really want to say this and it doesn't go on the other forums.
First of all why doesn't the Plus!Live have the messenger automatic docking feature? (or does it?) It looks neater when it is docked. And it also helps us quickly make the window the right size if it is in another position.
This will hopefully return in a later version.
Originally posted by adeadsniper
Second, what Plus! Live should have is a media player in each convo, all synchronized. And a folder somewhere in the computer where a bunch of music is stored, so while we are chatting we can listen to music right through messenger itself. Another feature with this would be sharing the same background music with another person just like we can share background images.
I hope these features can be added. :D
First, there's plenty of media players: why play music through Messenger when Winamp can sit in the system tray?
Second, sharing music is illegal unless you own the copyright to it.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
07-09-2006 08:45 PM
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RE: Suggestion for some improvement
having mp!l play music only makes messenger more cpu consuming then it already is....
07-09-2006 10:01 PM
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RE: Suggestion for some improvement
I'd like to suggest a new function that will make able to block showing  personal Smilies for specific contacts ( not for everybody like WLM do ).
I'd like it because some people use very huge smileys instead of words :@, instead of "Hello" there's a big smiley that makes you sign.

Or maybe make something like blocking specific smilies from some contacts.

If it's possible answer me please
Thank you.

PS: Sorry for my English :S
07-11-2006 10:44 PM
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