Originally posted by MX-G
, i've read than modify MsgPlus! is illegal 
That isn't modifying Plus!.
In fact the whole GUI is made to exactly be skinneable, it only isn't documented/advertised yet as such.
The Interface subdirectory in your Messenger Plus! Live folder is in fact meant for skins.
It is by default empty because no skins are provided by default.
Originally posted by tony
How you do that
The Plus! Live GUI is based entirly on XML interfaces. Thus not only scripts, but the main GUI too. In fact the windows you can create in scripts are nothing more than simple examples. The main GUI works in exact the same way.
To make your own skins, you need to create the interface files (save them as unicode, just as with script windows) and put them in the "Interface" subdirectory.
Though, note that you don't break anything in the interface as this can result in the loss of the ability to set options etc... (but this speaks for its own)...
To grab the default interface files, to start from, you need to extract them from the resource section "INTERFACES" from the Plus! MsgPlusLiveRes DLL file.
do not modify the Plus! files themselfs by editing the resources or patching the files. This isn't only illegal, but is also totaly unnecessary to skin Plus! (it even may stuff things up).