Originally posted by AberNStein
I think you misunderstood both me and the op.
I probably did too

Anyway, I think I understand you now. Thing is, I'm not sure how successful this DP changing would be. You'd have to change the image in Temporary Internet Files, and Messenger's going to want to refresh that on every opened conversation. This could overwrite your own overwrite, restoring the DP shown to the contact's actual DP.
Am I on the right track so far?
Another problem I can think of is that the filenames may be somewhat random, with no obvious link between them and the contacts. And another is that Messenger may use a map.dat file, like in AppData, to keep track of all the DPs. A change in one of the files could cause the entire cache to be refreshed as a result.
I cvan't check this now, as I'm at work. However, I'll edit this with more info when I get home.