Hey all
Just letting you have a look at my script, this is my first script and the first time i've used JScript. There are probably plenty of bugs, its not that useful, just fun to look at and I needed something to pass the time.
It will:
Log your signed in time for that session and time in total.
Count how many messages you sent
Count how many messages you received
and thats it.....i will probably add more features when i think of them (like stats for convos with each contact perhaps).
You will need to restart MSN for this to run.
If for some reason it does load (There should be a toast), try deleting your stats txt file (C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Scripts\Statistics\Users\Your file.txt) and restarting MSN.
Thanks to the forum members who helped me yesterday, thanks to google for the rest, oh and patchou for making plus!
EDIT: Do not try and open the script window within the first 10 secs of being signed in it will crash.
Also, uploaded file

(It helps i suppose!)