O.P. Nick changing to "1" upon sign out, sign in, status change
Dear Patchou,
Messenger Plus! 4.00 had been working perfect until yesterday I noticed that within the Event viewer messenger changes the nick of all the contacts to "1" upon an change in event such as status change, nick change, personal message changes or if the contact goes offline and online.
To my surprise it also changed my nick to digit 1 when i changed my personal status couple of times, changed psm or signed in or out.
I have two accounts and computers. It was working fine on both accounts and machine and only happens on one of them since yesterday. I have uninstalled Messenger, Plus! and all the scripts but didnt fix with any reinstallation. Tried everything I knew but seems its something wrong witg Msgplus! that it once started doing it and cannot stop.
Since it started happening nothing was changed in the system or settings except changing the nick with colors.
Please find the snapshot of the Event Viewer to see what exactly is happening.
Attachment: snap.JPG (129.95 KB)
This file has been downloaded 187 time(s).