Originally posted by [Sebek]
In section [Sounds.Languages] there are listed 24 languages. Could I add at the end of this list my own one?
Nope, absolutely not... (and doing so will probably break future compatibility also).
For starters the index numbers are not simply to make a nice ordered list, they are fixed numbers also used inside Plus! itself.
Second, the languages listed there are not related to the translation languages in any way. The languages listed there are the available languages which certain custom sounds are made in and thus which are available on the sound server.
In other words, unless a language is added to the sound servers, and added to Plus!, and a new language ID is created for a specific language, you can't simply add a language there.
Also note that if a language isn't available in that list it probably means there aren't that many sounds specifically in that language yet to create a unique ID for.