Originally posted by periya24
i know the password..but it doesnt ask me for i t..it jus claims windows cant open the file cuz it cant find the required program etc.....but before the files were text files..n when i clicked dem it wud prompt me for a password n so on n it was fine...buh now itz not...
Windows can't find the program associated with PLE files because you uninstalled Messenger Plus!... You need Messenger Plus! in order to open password protected encrypted log files. It is Messenger Plus! which presents you with that "enter password" dialog and it is Messenger Plus! which converts (decrypts) those files to a readable format.
The files were never just text files. What you got to see was the result of the decrypting of the PLE files. The PLE files are encrypted, they aren't text (eg: open them in notepad and you'll see that they never were text files).