I think the best bet would be a global weather script, rather than just England.
If anyones used programs such as desktopX, and other programs that can have weather "widgets" or "gadgets" then you may know how they fetch their weather data.
If you go to
www.weather.com and type in any city in the world, each one has its unique code. For instance:
London, United Kingdom = UKXX0085
Ottawa, Canada = CAXX0343
Sydney, Australia = ASXX0112
These codes are obtained from the URL for each city around the world. A script that allows you to input a city (which performs a search at weather.com) and fetches this code from the site, then displays the data shouldn't be *to* hard. I know I couldn't do it, but perhaps more experienced scripters could.
I am sure this stuff is documented somewhere (not for JScript, but perhaps could be converted, I don't know) because its used in alot of weather widgets and such.
I just use firefox whenever I need the weather for another place in the world (or my own town... I'm to lazy to look out the window you see

EDIT: Oh, I didn't know a script already existed
