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MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
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O.P. MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
Is there a way to automatically save a display images as they are changed and save to the HD automatically? Either a plugin or built in?

So if I was in chat with someone and each time they change their display avatar pic, that it's automatically saved on my HD thanks.
07-26-2006 07:58 AM
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RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
No... it does not save automatically, however you can right click on a contact, choose contact information, and then save it. Stuffplug3 when it is released, it will work on a similar principle, however it goes into Messenger's cache to do it, which also means you can retreive older display pictures as well.
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07-29-2006 10:47 PM
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RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
Originally posted by camarosource
So if I was in chat with someone and each time they change their display avatar pic, that it's automatically saved on my HD thanks.
Display pictures (and custom emoticons for that matter too) used by your contacts in chats will always be saved automatically by Messenger already. They are stored in the Messenger cache...


Thus, you already will always have all the display pictures of your contacts. That is, only the display pictures which you encountered and/or viewed because they appeared in a conversation, contact card, as a thumbnail in the contactlist, etc... (thus not the ones from contacts you never speak to or whatever).

This is because Messenger already stores every display picture it encounters in its cache.

Also see:
CookieRevised's reply to Where does MSN store it's avatars?
CookieRevised's reply to can we steal ppl's display pic by using msgplus????


PS: please do not make multiple threads about the same thing.

This post was edited on 07-30-2006 at 04:55 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
07-30-2006 04:51 AM
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O.P. RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
So you are saying that everytime the person changes their Display pic that it SAVES it in CACHE on my hard drive??? Where??
08-02-2006 01:22 AM
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RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
Originally posted by camarosource
So you are saying that everytime the person changes their Display pic that it SAVES it in CACHE on my hard drive??? Where??
See the links CookieRevised posted above.
Originally posted by WDZ
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08-02-2006 01:32 AM
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O.P. RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
I did... I looked in my c:\documents and settings\local settings\temporary internet files\ but what is the reason for the for the person to put "-folder" after the directory name in the msg?

There are no CA files.. I don't understand.. Are you sure??
08-02-2006 01:42 AM
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RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
I'm using a script named "DPget" which automatically save other's Display Picture, and its every change.

This post was edited on 08-02-2006 at 08:53 AM by kmcbest.
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08-02-2006 08:52 AM
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O.P. RE: RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
Originally posted by kmcbest
I'm using a script named "DPget" which automatically save other's Display Picture, and its every change.

Awesome!! Can you have it save everytime it changes, or like every 15 seconds or something if a particular person's changes? Seems to indicate perhaps a min of 1 min?

I want to set it for one particular person. So I do:

/dpget <email>


Does this simply OVERWRITE the only display pic everytime it changes or can it be configured to save it so if they change a display pic, each one that changes is saved as new files.? Thanks VERY much

One more thing: When you do /dbget <email> will it CONTINUE to automatically save the display pic once it's found to have changed or does that command only save it that one time?

This post was edited on 08-02-2006 at 02:41 PM by camarosource.
08-02-2006 02:24 PM
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RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
I've used it for 2 weeks,
I see this script just try its best to record every DP change,
with numbering as suffix.

So let's imagine this situation:
I have a contact name "abc" who has 2 DP (dp1 & dp2),
when he logs on with dp1, my script stores dp1 after sometime
(of course before he logs off) to your c:\display pics\ with #1 as
suffix, and if he changes his DP to dp2, it'll also be saved as #2.
NOW NOTE: if he changes back to dp1, it'll be saved as #3 even
if it's same as dp1, so you'll get many duplicated copies when
your days go on, but anyway you don't miss anything.

I think it's possible, or it should be possible to check if the DP's
already been save before, and a functionality to ignore Windows'
default pictures should be available as I see no interest to store them.
[Image: status2ftp]
08-03-2006 11:10 AM
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RE: RE: MSN - Is there a way to automatically save contact's avatar?
Originally posted by camarosource
So you are saying that everytime the person changes their Display pic that it SAVES it in CACHE on my hard drive???
yes.... on the condition that you start a chat with that person or another way to see his display picture of course (otherwise, messenger doesn't know it needs to update the display picture)...

Originally posted by camarosource
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Also see:
CookieRevised's reply to Where does MSN store it's avatars?
CookieRevised's reply to can we steal ppl's display pic by using msgplus????

Originally posted by camarosource
I did... I looked in my c:\documents and settings\local settings\temporary internet files\ but what is the reason for the for the person to put "-folder" after the directory name in the msg?
??? what "-folder" suffix?

Originally posted by camarosource
There are no CA files.. I don't understand.. Are you sure??
yes I'm sure... look at the above posted links again.

The location of the cache directory is different for msn messenger 7.x and window live messenger. Both are listed in that linked post.

Note that it is quite possible that the files are hidden so you'll need to show hidden files in your windows explorer.

This post was edited on 08-10-2006 at 01:16 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
08-10-2006 01:11 AM
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