Dear Patchou,
In the personalized status, also put an option of *Online*, *Be Right Back* in addition to *Away* and *Busy* which are already there. *Be Right Back* is better than away in cases as you are in shower, having dinner, out for 10-15 minutes .. *Online* is good if you are at your PC and watching TV at the same time. Having Away and Busy status only lets the people go away without messaging you. The contacts can know better by looking at your nick and personalized status in their contact list.
It has been discussed already in the thread below:
Plus, if internet disconnects while having a personalized status e.g. *Sleeping* it should return to the same no matter after how many hours, minutes messenger reconnects.
I was at office and personalized status on home PC was AWAY *Office*, but somehow my internet disconnected & when i came home, noticed my status
online & lots of people had their messages

Tested it several time, Sometime returns to personalized status but online other times. There used to be feature in older versions that you could have time set for your personalized messages. When messenger reconnects it would switch to personalized status after the time you specified. I didn't really understand the time option present in the latest one, please explain if you can.
Hope you consider improving the above features.
Best regards,