Colour window |
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O.P. Colour window
I was wondering if someone could help me make a window that shows the colour chooser like from the select colour of text button next to the plus menu button in the chat window. I need it to kind of pop-up like the browse in the background changer script if that is alright. If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
07-30-2006 11:41 PM |
Scripting Guru
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RE: Colour window
Do you mean this one?
![[Image: attachment.php?pid=705287]](
Attachment: pickcolour.png (9.32 KB)
This file has been downloaded 489 time(s).
07-31-2006 12:13 AM |
Scripting Contest Winner

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RE: Colour window
The only way I think you can do that (what Matty shows) is with the MsComDlg.CommonDialog ActiveXObject, and I believe that's one of the objects that only comes with certain programs (like Visual Studio)...however I may be wrong.
07-31-2006 01:52 AM |
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07-31-2006 02:48 AM |
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O.P. RE: Colour window
Thanks that's exactly what I was after Matty, I'll try to work out what to do but if you can help me with it's implementation that would be awsome (though I do understand you are probably quite busy). Thanks heap for that much anyway.
07-31-2006 06:44 AM |
Elite Member

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RE: Colour window
code: //Show color picker common dialog
//Create our CHOOSECOLOR data block
var CHOOSECOLOR = Interop.Allocate(36);
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(0, 36); //DWORD lStructSize
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(4, 0); //HWND hwndOwner
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(8, 0); //HWND hInstance
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(12, 0x000000FF); //COLORREF rgbResult (COLORREF = 0x00bbggrr)
var CustColors = Interop.Allocate(64); //Create an array of 16 COLORREFs for CustColors
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(16, CustColors.DataPtr); //COLORREF *lpCustColors (pointer to our array)
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(20, 3); //DWORD Flags (3 = 2 (CC_FULLOPEN) + 1 (CC_RGBINIT) )
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(32, 0); //LPCTSTR lpTemplateName
//Open the dialog box
var result = Interop.Call('comdlg32.dll', 'ChooseColorA', CHOOSECOLOR);
//If the user pressed ok convert it to hex
if(result == 1){
//Get decimal values
var r = CHOOSECOLOR.ReadDWORD(12) & 0xFF;
var g = (CHOOSECOLOR.ReadDWORD(12) / 0x100) & 0xFF;
var b = (CHOOSECOLOR.ReadDWORD(12) / 0x10000) & 0xFF;
Debug.Trace('RGB: ' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b)
//Get hex values
var hexchars="0123456789ABCDEF";
var r = hexchars.charAt((r >> 4) & 0xf) + hexchars.charAt(r & 0xF);
var g = hexchars.charAt((g >> 4) & 0xf) + hexchars.charAt(g & 0xF);
var b = hexchars.charAt((b >> 4) & 0xf) + hexchars.charAt(b & 0xF);
Debug.Trace('HEX: ' + r + g + b);
MSDN: CHOOSECOLOR struct documentation for more information.
This post was edited on 07-31-2006 at 09:09 AM by Eljay.
07-31-2006 09:04 AM |
Veteran Member

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O.P. RE: Colour window
quote: Originally posted by eljelly
//Show color picker common dialog
//Create our CHOOSECOLOR data block
var CHOOSECOLOR = Interop.Allocate(36);
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(0, 36); //DWORD lStructSize
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(4, 0); //HWND hwndOwner
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(8, 0); //HWND hInstance
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(12, 0x000000FF); //COLORREF rgbResult (COLORREF = 0x00bbggrr)
var CustColors = Interop.Allocate(64); //Create an array of 16 COLORREFs for CustColors
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(16, CustColors.DataPtr); //COLORREF *lpCustColors (pointer to our array)
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(20, 3); //DWORD Flags (3 = 2 (CC_FULLOPEN) + 1 (CC_RGBINIT) )
CHOOSECOLOR.WriteDWORD(32, 0); //LPCTSTR lpTemplateName
//Open the dialog box
var result = Interop.Call('comdlg32.dll', 'ChooseColorA', CHOOSECOLOR);
//If the user pressed ok convert it to hex
if(result == 1){
//Get decimal values
var r = CHOOSECOLOR.ReadDWORD(12) & 0xFF;
var g = (CHOOSECOLOR.ReadDWORD(12) / 0x100) & 0xFF;
var b = (CHOOSECOLOR.ReadDWORD(12) / 0x10000) & 0xFF;
Debug.Trace('RGB: ' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b)
//Get hex values
var hexchars="0123456789ABCDEF";
var r = hexchars.charAt((r >> 4) & 0xf) + hexchars.charAt(r & 0xF);
var g = hexchars.charAt((g >> 4) & 0xf) + hexchars.charAt(g & 0xF);
var b = hexchars.charAt((b >> 4) & 0xf) + hexchars.charAt(b & 0xF);
Debug.Trace('HEX: ' + r + g + b);
Thanks heaps for that, it works a treat 
07-31-2006 09:59 AM |
Veteran Member

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RE: Colour window
For all you lazy people out there i have packaged this script into a *.plsc file so all you have to do is download it and import it.
I did not make this script so i give full credit to eljelly
I think this script is wicked.
Well done eljelly
Attachment: Colour window.plsc (1.86 KB)
This file has been downloaded 252 time(s).
This post was edited on 07-31-2006 at 12:54 PM by Jimbo.
07-31-2006 12:48 PM |
Elite Member

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RE: Colour window
quote: Originally posted by deAd
The only way I think you can do that (what Matty shows) is with the MsComDlg.CommonDialog ActiveXObject, and I believe that's one of the objects that only comes with certain programs (like Visual Studio)...however I may be wrong.
A version of COmmon Controls is built into all versions of Windows, and the Scripting Host has full access to it. It's just the headers and lib files that come with Visual Studio, as part of Platform SDK.
07-31-2006 12:57 PM |