It's still better to escape XHTML/XML special characters, just to be safe.
I disagree. I think it's fine not to escape them. However, it's not a big deal and I won't be upset if it's left the way it is.
I'm not sure if IE6 can understand XHTML 1.1
I tried changing the DOCTYPE to XHTML 1.1 and it works fine with IE6.
Only if you use a BOM (byte order mark) at the start of the file.
The chat logs already include byte order marks. While we're sort of on the subject, the chat logs might be better off in UTF-8. This is because UTF-8 uses only one byte per character for the characters I most frequently use, though UTF-8 documents can include any Unicode character.
It might be to the Log Viewer: you never know 
I'm more inclined to think that it's unneccessary, but you could be right.
Really, the chat logs are very well done. My major concern is that the seconds are not given on the timestamp.
Also...thanks to the moderator who combined my original 3 posts into one. I will try to use the Edit button more and the Post button less when I want to add things in the future.