Hi everybody,
My problem is fairly simple and I believe it is due to the shift of some datas to my brand new external hard drive. I had to modify registry keys for the relocation to work completly.
I did not backup the registry

and forgot how many of them I modified.
My problem is simple... everytime I log on to Windows Live with Messenger Plus... my nickname doesnt update automatically. The one that appears instead is one that was showing during regkey mods. Moreover, My avatar... **If an avatar is the small picture at the bottom right hand corner of the discussion interface** it doesnt update and has the same problem as the nickname
After a few moments, maybe 2-3 minutes... the nickname changes itself automatically to the one that I changed during the last logon... however I have not noticed if the pictures updates... next time I load Windows Live I will have a look at it!
I believe that this is a regkey issue... can you help me on this !?