well i don't really mind. originally i was thinking only the four from the toast i click on. but all would be no problem.
But i also thought, maybe just have the wlm contact window open if i click the toast. this way i can pick the contact or 2 that i want. and seems easier than making your own little box of contacts.
A little selection window of your own would be cooler tho

but then only one contact could be chosen.
or a selection box that stays open til u close it so u can open convos with all contacts you want. similar to your other script. problem with that is all the clicks.
id prefer: click toast, click contact i want. finished.
but problem is if i want 2 online contacts: click toast, click contact i want, click other contact i want, close selection window.
id prefer not have to close window. which doesn't really work if the ability to open more than one contact is needed. so not sure.
hope I'm not too confusing in this message