I use Winamp to play songs.
I am looking for a tool which can I display full
ID3v2 Tag. Actually, tried some from Winamp plugin collection but they do not support complete ID3v2 information. The one with
Mess Patch will only display Artist and Song.
What happens now is For Example:
If this is the Tag info of the song:
Artist: Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Malcolm X & Jazzy B
Album: XYZ
Song: Now Playing
It should be displayed as:
XYZ - Now Playing - Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Malcolm X & Jazzy B
The plugins I found are only able to show limited characters as in ID3v1 missing information from the end. So basically the plugins are able to fetch info from ID3v1 rather the newer one ID3v2.
For Example:
XYZ - Now Playing - Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Malco
If anyone can help, do suggest.
Just a thought, if this can added in the new PLUS! Live

so that we don't have to for further plugins .. or a Script
Thanks and regards,