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Event viewer window too big
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O.P. Event viewer window too big
The new event viewer is huge thanks to the rather cumbersome search window and bit window title. Before the event viewer was nice and small and I could leave it open at the bottom of my messenger window and see my contacts and their actions at the same time. Is there no way to remove the search and bar and make the whole thing smaller overall?
08-09-2006 10:44 PM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
I definately see what you mean chrisojp.

There isn't a way to remove the search bar and such from the event viewer window. If it is really too big for you then you might have to sacrifice some of the room to view the events by just resizing the window to make it smaller.
08-09-2006 11:05 PM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
Reposting, as we can talk about it [Image: msn_grin.gif]

It's possible to skin Messenger Plus! Live, so you could always try skinning the Event Viewer with a smaller top section. I don't know if there's any skinning info around yet, but I'll keep a lookout.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
08-10-2006 10:05 PM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
i agree with chrisojp.  i used to use the event viewer even more than my contact list because it showed me who is actually active, not just 'online'.  now i never touch the thing because its far too big.  ive been waiting, hoping it would be more flexable in the next release but i figured i may as well state my opinion since i dont know when that will be.

the event viewer is such a great feature but i think it needs some tweaking.

it would be nice to have a minimalistic mode for it.  the big title bar is unnecessary, the padding in the window is too thick and the search feature takes up too much space.  i like having the window open wide enough just to see the time of the event and the username (not email address too).

it would be even better if you could eliminate the event description column, the icons next to the time symbolize the same thing as the description, although a few extra icons could be added.

it would also be nice to be able to access the event viewer from the plus icon above the contact list like in the old plus versions rather than the exclusively through the pull down menu. 

thats just my opinion and you know what they say about those...

anyways thanks for the great extension.

10-30-2006 08:41 PM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
Ok seeing as it annoyed me a lot too (who the hell uses search? :P), I skinned the Event Viewer window.

Just extract the attached file into the Interface folder inside the Messenger Plus! Live folder (default: C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Interface). If the folder doesnt exist just create it.

When you have correctly placed the file just restart Messenger and the Event Viewer should be skinned.

  • Removed the whole "toolbar" (search, drop down menu, pointless image)
  • Removed "Event Description" column
  • Changed padding around the list to save space

.zip File Attachment: EventViewer.zip (1.26 KB)
This file has been downloaded 186 time(s).
10-31-2006 08:48 AM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
hmm after people complained they do use the search (*cough* dt *cough* :P) i had a go at moving things around to make it more streamlined.

Same as before: extract it into C:\Program Files\Messenger Plus! Live\Interface (or wherever you installed MP!L) then restart Messenger.

Edit: Screenshot of skinned Event Viewer
[Image: EventViewer_Skinned.gif]

.zip File Attachment: EventViewer.zip (1.74 KB)
This file has been downloaded 191 time(s).

This post was edited on 10-31-2006 at 10:17 AM by Eljay.
10-31-2006 10:14 AM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
excellent, the first xml version you posted was just what i was looking for.  thanks a bunch!

i did however change the <MinWidth>100</MinWidth> value to fit the same width as my contact list.  i like the list as small as possible and the previous setting wouldn't let me make it narrow enough. 

im not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is it still possible to change the timestamp format in the event viewer window?  ive searched through plus files and the registry looking for the setting and the old registry value seems to longer work.

this goes back to my goal of getting the event viewer window as small as possible and the hh:mm:ss ZZ format wastes some space even when the column is smaller due to the "..." at the end to abbreviate whats been cut off.  im hoping to get the timestamp to the "h':'mm" format so it only uses 4-5 characters.

thanks again for skinning the window.

.jpg File Attachment: eventviewer.jpg (62.12 KB)
This file has been downloaded 158 time(s).
11-02-2006 07:36 AM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
Originally posted by jj420
excellent, the first xml version you posted was just what i was looking for.  thanks a bunch!

i did however change the <MinWidth>100</MinWidth> value to fit the same width as my contact list.  i like the list as small as possible and the previous setting wouldn't let me make it narrow enough. 

im not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is it still possible to change the timestamp format in the event viewer window?  ive searched through plus files and the registry looking for the setting and the old registry value seems to longer work.

this goes back to my goal of getting the event viewer window as small as possible and the hh:mm:ss ZZ format wastes some space even when the column is smaller due to the "..." at the end to abbreviate whats been cut off.  im hoping to get the timestamp to the "h':'mm" format so it only uses 4-5 characters.

thanks again for skinning the window.

just change the timestamp format in Windows itself ;)

Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > click Customize next to the language/region drop-down. In the window that comes up go to the Time tab and take a look at time format ;)
11-02-2006 08:12 AM
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RE: Event viewer window too big
ahhh perfect, thanks a bunch eljay
11-03-2006 11:48 PM
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