I forgot to say that the computers also don't have a CD drive...
Damn, if I had a floppy, it would have been much easier...
Isn't it possible to execute killcmos.com before Windows launches with autoexec.bat or something?
Or was this removed in windows xp...?
By the way, I also tried following the instructions I posted on the first post, but that didnt work...
EDIT: I found a liitle program called
CmosPwd which decodes the password for many motherboard manufacturers and it also works inside Windows

So, now I have the password, I tested it and it works, however, I still haven't checked the boot order...
But atleast I know the password now...
EDIT2: I went to the BIOS again to see if there was the option to boot from "USB-ZIP" (which seems to be a usb flash disk) and there is

I haven't tested however to boot from my flash drive because I currently dont have it with me, but I will try soon