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Incoming email alerter and DP changer help please.
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O.P. Incoming email alerter and DP changer help please.
Firstly, the email:

I'm with yahoo, so this is what i do:
Email address: jakeometer@yahoo.co.uk
Email server: Yahoo (then the : and i left it at what it was)
Password: I enter the correct one.
Leave the last one blank.

One time i did this i tested it and it confirmed, now it did not. Can someone tell me how to set it up. I have enabled POP3 with yahoo, so it should be okay.

When you are done, does it just alert you when you get a message? Can you read it? Reply (i have the email sender script thing which works for some reason i think)? Can you read multiple emails?

Secondly, the DP changer:

When i start this script it fails to start! I can't contact the creator because it was made by a company whom i can't contact. The Google utilities script fails to start as well, but i haven't Even tried contacting him/her/them yet so that bit doesn't matter.

Please help, and thank you.
08-22-2006 03:55 PM
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RE: Incoming email alerter and DP changer help please.
Originally posted by Unreal209
Firstly, the email:

I'm with yahoo, so this is what i do:
Email address: jakeometer@yahoo.co.uk
Email server: Yahoo (then the : and i left it at what it was)
Password: I enter the correct one.
Leave the last one blank.

One time i did this i tested it and it confirmed, now it did not. Can someone tell me how to set it up. I have enabled POP3 with yahoo, so it should be okay.
Certain yahoo addressess have been reported to not totally support the POP3 protocol like they should.

Plus! POP3 notifier works only on true POP3 emails. Stuff like GMail for example do not work as you might expect because, despite what their information says, they are not truely POP3 compatible. Plus! can't do anything about it.

As for your yahoo problem, make absolutly sure you have entered the correct information in the Plus! preferences (read the FAQs on the Yahoo website).

Ps: and if I were you, I wouldn't post my email in public like that. Spambots can easly pick that up.

Originally posted by Unreal209
When you are done, does it just alert you when you get a message?
you get a toast popup when you recieve new email in your inbox telling you how many new mails there are.

Originally posted by Unreal209
Can you read it? Reply? Can you read multiple emails?
No... It is a POP3 notifier, not a full blown email client. If you want to read, reply and manage the emails, I'd suggest to use your email client which is best suited for this purpose.

Originally posted by Unreal209
(i have the email sender script thing which works for some reason i think)
This script has got nothing todo with your problem or even with the POP3 notifier of Plus! (even if Plus! hadn't such a POP3 notifier, the script would still work). The script simply sends text which you entered to an email address.

Originally posted by Unreal209
Secondly, the DP changer
Don't post off topic. If you more unrelated questions make seperate threads for them in the correct (sub)forums.

For this question it should have been asked in the scripting forum. (And if a specific thread exists about the script, it should be asked in that thread (and not create a new one)).

This post was edited on 08-22-2006 at 04:37 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
08-22-2006 04:33 PM
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O.P. RE: Incoming email alerter and DP changer help please.
Thankyou, that was verry helpful.
You can lock or delete this now thanks.
08-22-2006 05:54 PM
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