Originally posted by Huhu_Manix
Like this :
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd,Message){
Message = Message.replace(/#/gi, "lol");
Message= Message.replace(/=/gi, "hi");
return Message;
I especially took the time and asked the questions I asked so people would exactly know what he wanted... please read posts...
Originally posted by Huhu_Manix
But for the # you need the ALT GR... 
Maybe it's different with QWERTY.
Keycodes, like ascii codes, are always the same. Scancodes depend on keyboard layout.
Ascii codes define the character value (eg: on each and every keyboard you use "A" will always have ascii code 65).
Keycodes define the key value (eg: ctrl is a key, but isn't a character, on each and every keyboard you use the ctrl key will always produce the same keycode).
Scancodes define the position of the key on the keyboard (eg: on every keyboard the second key from the second row will always have the same scancode, but the ascii and keycode for that key can be different depending on keyboard layout)