well im out of money

but when a new contact adds you, then speeks to you, all the time you then ask who are you?, and they will tell you their name, my idea is:
a person signs in/ messages you, it then checks the registry/xml file for the email, if it cant find the email, it will then ask the user whats their name, they reply giving their name, its then stored in the registry/xml file, when you want to rember somones name and dont want to embarise yourself by asking them again (lol 5 minutes later), you can type a command to bring up their name, or browse a big list
also the command could be used like this hey [name] when u just cant rember lol
and mabey a auto hey with their name added

, dont bother too much lol
mabey it could rename the contact too using wlm's edit feature
but if a person enters it wrong or types wtf?, heh they can then change their name by saying !name [new name]
i would think many users will benifit from this, if u do decicde to take up the chalenge pm me

, i want to know how u get on heh

good luck, and thanks for reading