Hi all!
I'm new to these forums and I usually wait by making new threads in forums I'm new to untill I have about 100 posts, but I just need to post this before I forget about it
I have a couple of ideas for MSN Plus.
My first idea is feature/script is some kind of addon that automaticly changes messages that contain one or more sentences (user defined) that are written in the ever annoying CAPITALS are changed into regular non-capital text. its something I really, really need because some people just don't understand how annoying this is.
And my seccond idea is to give users the posibility to set certain settings for difrent users.. one setting I would really love to see is to set wich font should be set for each user.. I know you can set MSN plus so that every contact has one type of text, and thats pretty close to what I'm looking for, but its not quite it

Also the seccond option I would like to see is the opprotunity for users to disable emoticons for some people.. or maybe disable only some custom emoticons.
I hope the Messenger Plus! team reads this and materializes the ideas. And I'm also terribly sorry if this was posted in the wrong section or if some of these features already exists

Also I appologize if my writing was hard to read (I'm not english or american
Thanks for reading