Originally posted by ayjay
Can someone make a script that automatically translates what you speak so people can read it?
$string = $_GET['string'];
$from = Array(" som1 " , " sum1 ", " plz " , " 2 " , " ma " , " realy " , " aperichiate " , " 4 " , "with out " , " useing " , " cuz " , " dont "," jst " );
$to = Array(" someone " , " someone ", " please " , " to " , " my " , " really " , " appreciated " , " for " , "without " , " using " , " because " , " didn't ", " just " );
$string = str_replace($from,$to,$string);
echo " Translated: <br/> " ;
echo $string;
Made in PHP, highly portable to other languages.

You could code it into OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage in a plus script to make reading other peoples messages easier.