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How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
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O.P. How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
Hi there, I need help to get my animation costum emoticons that I've saved from my contact lists in MSN Messenger to put them in my blog. Is it possible? But I couldn't find it in My MSN USER ID, coz it only contains my log histories.

I referred to -!Felu!-'s post:

[QUOTE=-!Felu!-]RE: where do emoticons get saved

They are stored in \Documents and Settings\<Computer Account>\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\<MSN USER ID>  Use this for MSN USER ID.

But you can't backup them by copying them youll need to use Baisoft MSN/WLM Backuper

But it couldn't backup the .GIF file custom emoticons. Did I do something wrong? o_o;;

Thanks lots for helping me in advance. Really appreciated.

This post was edited on 09-04-2006 at 05:12 AM by shespider.
09-04-2006 05:09 AM
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RE: How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
Originally posted by CookieRevised in "Where does MSN store its stuff?"

Your DPs, CEs, ...

Your own Display Pics, Custom Emoticons and Backgrounds and other stuff are all stored in your MSN Messenger application data directory. These directories are different from OS to OS and depend on what you're exactly looking for:
CookieRevised's reply to 'where is custom stuff stored?'

If they exist they are found in the directories pointed out in those posts. Note that those directories can be hidden so turn on "show hidden and sysem files" in the Windows Explorer options.

Simply copy the .dat or .tmp files you'll find in the CustomEmoticons directory. No need to backup anything as you simply want to copy the files/ use them on the web[*]. You only need to rename them to .PNG (for static emoticons) or .GIF (for animated ones).

[*]The reason why people say they can't be copied but must be backed up with such a program is because of the context: you can't simply put the files back in the directory and expect them to show up in Messenger as Messenger uses a file which list the used emoticons.

This post was edited on 09-04-2006 at 05:37 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-04-2006 05:25 AM
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O.P. RE: How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
Okay, thanks lots. I'll try that, and I let you know if it works for me ^.^

Edit: Erhm.. I'm sorry for my cluelessness *hides* how should I rename those? As simple as click it and rename it? I know it couldn't be like that rite? o_o;;

This post was edited on 09-04-2006 at 06:03 AM by shespider.
09-04-2006 05:47 AM
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RE: How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
Originally posted by shespider
Okay, thanks lots. I'll try that, and I let you know if it works for me ^.^

Edit: Erhm.. I'm sorry for my cluelessness *hides* how should I rename those? As simple as click it and rename it? I know it couldn't be like that rite? o_o;;
first copy them to another directory; you don't wanna mess up the directory which messenger uses.

After that, yes, simply click them and rename them (or highlight them and press F2) in Windows Explorer.

To know what extension to use (PNG for static emoticons, GIF for moving ones), you best open them up in a graphics program which supports animated GIFs and PNGs. If you see them moving, they are GIFs, if you don't see any movement, they are PNGs.

Another way is to open those files in notepad (but do NOT save them with it):
- if the first few characters you see are "‰PNG" you know for sure the file is a PNG file and you must rename it with the PNG extension.
- if the first few characters you see are "GIF89a" you know for sure the file is a GIF file and you must rename it with the GIF extension.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-04-2006 11:26 PM
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O.P. RE: How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
Hey CookieRevised, thanks very much for replying.

I've already done what you said. But the file name is still TRF1.GIF.DAT (for example). Can you please help me how to remove the .DAT thingy? Coz that way, I can't upload it to my blog. Thanks lots.
09-08-2006 11:10 AM
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RE: How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
You didn't rename the file extension (which is .DAT) you renamed the file itself from "TRF1" to "TRF1.GIF".

Only the part after the last point "." of the total filename is the file extension; everything before it is considered the filename.

I'm sure you followed the instructions as good as possible, but the error you've made is very common to make when you do not show file extensions in Windows Explorer (by default they are turned of).

It s only by showing the file extensions that you know which file is which (personally I can't understand why people, heck even MS, don't want file extension to be visible. It is actually even a security risk if you don't show them since for all you know you could be starting "mydocument.bat" instead of "mydocument.doc" in word).

To enable the showing of the file extensions, see:

follow those instructions and do everything as said, it will enable you to see all the files including their extensions which are on your computer instead of only a select few.

Once you've done that, repeat the renaming instructions as posted in my previous post.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-08-2006 11:35 AM
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O.P. RE: How to copy Costum Emoticons to a blog
Oh yeah, it works. Sorry for being very clueless lol
Thanks so much. Really appreciated!
09-08-2006 12:23 PM
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