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Scripts problem...
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RE: RE: RE: Scripts problem...
Originally posted by xen0h
do you have a version of activex? if u do try update it.
There is no such thing as "a version of activex". ActiveX is a term used for certain kind of software components from Microsoft. It is a technology term, not a program.

Originally posted by aunwit
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by krissyafc
in a convo type / then a box will come up look at it and choose your script.
If the scripts don't show their menu in the Plus! context menu, then they also wont appear in the command list, as they aren't loaded.

Some of the scripts shown in his first screenshot definatly should have a context menu. Since this doesn't show up there is obviously something wrong with them.

@aunwit, what you could try to do is removing all scripts and reinstalling them. Although I somehow doubt this will fix it.

If it doesn't work, check out the debug window of the scripts and see if there are any error messages comming up.
when i clicked on the lil MPL icon in the convo window, the Script Debugging window came up with [with Screenshot Sender 4 selected]:
Function called: OnGetScriptMenu
Error: 'Language.Menu' is null or not an object.
       Line: 11. Code: -2146823281.
Function OnGetScriptMenu returned an error. Code: -2147352567

live notifier:
Script is starting
Script is now loaded and ready
Function called: OnEvent_Initialize
Error: ActiveX component can't create object.
       Line: 11. Code: -2146827859.
Function OnEvent_Initialize returned an error. Code: -2147352567

The cause of those errors might be difficult to find since they can indicate all sort of things. eg (but certainly not limited to):

* You don't have the latest scripting engine (although I'm not even sure if with a previous scripting engine Plus! scripting is enabled at all)

* One or more references to components used in the DLL's used by those scripts are missing.

* One or more references to components used in the DLL's used by those scripts are refering to versions newer than the ones you have on your computer.

* You do not have the required permissions for the use of required libraries used in the DLL's used by those scripts.

* The ActiveX components used in those scripts aren't installed correctly or not at all.

* One of the dependencies of those scripts or its libraries are missing.


possible things to try

* Update your Windows XP:
(make sure you have SP2 and all its fixes and updates; this requires a few revisits to the update site after each set of updates and after you rebooted your computer, untill no more updates are listed in the list).

* Install the latest scripting engine:

* Reinstall and register the ActiveX components used by those scripts. Easiest done by reinstalling the scripts.

* Make sure you have full access and permission to run everything. AKA: be sure to have admin rights.

This post was edited on 09-08-2006 at 11:21 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-08-2006 11:19 AM
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O.P. RE: RE: RE: RE: Scripts problem...
Originally posted by CookieRevised

* Install the latest scripting engine:

THAT did the trick...thanks alot man...seriously (Y)...mad props for this...
09-08-2006 02:59 PM
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