Originally posted by alexp2_ad
But then the second part of the easter egg wouldn't work. 
why not? It is perfectly possible that the control which is responsible for the second part is actually the image itself, you don't need a special button. It only requires to check the mouse positions to perform or not perform the second part when the user does to the image what he needs todo.
Originally posted by Eljay
its not so much an invisible control, as a control with an image that is 100% transparent 
well that's something different then... in that case the control is still visible in the true sense (property 'visible' is true), so it is controleable also... yep.
But if the property 'visible' of a control is false, it can't be (shouldn't be able to be) controlled.
PS: if you are refering to the second part of the easter egg, there is no control with a transparent image for that only (see code). It is most likely done as explained above to alexp2_ad.
<Element xsi:type="ImageElement" Id="ImgPic">
<Position Top="2" Left="3">
<Control xsi:type="ButtonControl" Id="BtnClose">
<Position Top="355" Width="75" Left="451">