O.P. [to-be-picked-up]ChatRoom.
Hi.. I'm not sure if this will interest anyone. But it's been fun for me and my friends. I apologize for all the strings are in portuguese and this project is far from done. I wanted to post it here so other people can pick this up and contribute since I don't have much time on my hands to make this a real nice bot.
Here's how it works: You get a new msn account to run the script from (or your own if you want to act as the chat room) and then just run the scrit on that other msn.
To enter the chat you send a message to your bot with the command !liga
It'll show you some options and tell you who's in the room. The available commands are !pvt (send private message), !liga (join the chat, !desliga (leave the chat), !lista (list the people in the chat) and !ajuda (help).
If you go offline the chatbot will remove you from his list. After you joined just send him any message and it'll send it to all people involved.
Why did I make this? I don't like the fact that in a regular msn chat you can read peoples email and add them to your list. And secondly that in my chat bot you can have your friend go in and chat to a friend of my friend without them having to know each other or even know someone in common to add them to the same window.
I've looked up a script like this before I took the project and found nothing with open code so I could customize it.. so here goes my version of a chat bot. If I enhance it I'll resend the file.
Have fun!
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