right when ever i try to download MPL! it wont let me a stupid error code pops up sayin- When i try to launch the setup from my desktop: C:\Documents and Settings\Owener\Desktop\Msgpluslive-401.exe is not a valid Win32 application
- when i try to run it from the net, download page: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\ Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\XTS243H7\MsgPlusLive-401[1].exe is not a valid Win32 application.
i have windows Xp if thats any help..... doubt it is

please help i really really want MPL! but it wont work....

i miss it. oh and how come on msg live it wont show different fonts i.e my font comes up as plain arial black and ive changed it heaps cud it b the stteings.... sorry i keep trippin tpnote anyways....... any help we'll do tty!