What happened to the Messenger Plus! forums on msghelp.net?
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Is there a documentation for chatting with Msgplus ?
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O.P. Is there a documentation for chatting with Msgplus ?

Is there a documentation for chatting with msgplus ?
I know how to chat with msn without msgplus but with msgplus I don't understand anything. It's very complicated for newbies. I don't know where contact list is located with msgplus. The old location is empty, so I can only chat with people who speak to me first.
10-02-2006 12:53 PM
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RE: Is there a documentation for chatting with Msgplus ?
Having Messenger Plus! or not makes absolutely no difference in how you chat.

Messenger Plus! is not a replacement of MSN Messenger, it is a program which adds some more features, just like MSN added winks in MSN Messenger 7 and voice clips in Windows Live Messenger.

Messenger Plus! simply adds some more things you can do, it is absolutely no replacement for MSN Messenger. The only difference you see in Messenger is an added menu in the contact list and chat window and 3 more buttons in a chat window.

In fact, Messenger Plus! is simply a dead program which you can't run if you do not have Messenger.

The contact list is still the contact list.

Make sure you're talking about Messenger Plus! as found on http://www.msgpluslive.net/ or http://old.msgplus.net/

The reason why your contact list is empty has got absolutely nothing todo with Messenger Plus!.

As it sounds you may have downloaded and run some fake (and even malicious) thing. Never ever download something from somewhere else than the official sites.

Please provide us a screenshot of how your contact list looks like.

This post was edited on 10-02-2006 at 01:13 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
10-02-2006 01:10 PM
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