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Blocking nudges, buzzes or zumbidos [SOLVED]
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O.P. Blocking nudges, buzzes or zumbidos [SOLVED]
Hi. I'm not currently a script developer, but have extensive experience in Javascript and other programming languages. I do have a interest in developing a script, because nudges do annoy me big time (on the OT side, I cannot believe there are people developing auto-nudge features and new ways to annoy other people :-) ).

My proposal is to create a script that filters nudges (and possibly winks) in such way that any kind of those messages do not arrive to any of your chat windows, or at least be replaced by some random text. I have looked for a feature like this in MSN Live or MSN Live Plus and I haven't find it. I haven't found such script in the Messenger Plus repository, and a search in the forum reveals no useful info to me.

I downloaded the script API and I think the OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage event handler is the right one I should use to intercept such messages. At least it works with winks, but nudges aren't included there. This thread makes me assume that nudges are messages that are not catched by this event yet (though I haven't tested this). If this is not possible, then I think this would be beyond me and my experience :-).

Have you thought about this issue?, have you had any luck?

Thanks a lot.

This post was edited on 10-16-2006 at 09:39 PM by cyrax256.
10-16-2006 09:23 PM
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RE: Blocking nudges, buzzes or zumbidos
For detecting nudges you most likely need Xniff Packet Sniffer @ http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=64230
I have no idea if you can actually block nudges with it, since it's a sniffer, and commands aren't parsed through it...
For that you have to be an expert, unlike me.
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10-16-2006 09:35 PM
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RE: Blocking nudges, buzzes or zumbidos
Originally posted by cyrax256
My proposal is to create a script that filters nudges (and possibly winks) in such way that any kind of those messages do not arrive to any of your chat windows, or at least be replaced by some random text.
You can already disable all that stuff in Messenger itself so they don't bother you. No need for scripts for that.

Tools > Options > Messages >
                                 - Allow me to send and recieve nudges
                                 - Play winks automatically when they are recieved
                                 - Play voice clips automatically when they are recieved

Originally posted by cyrax256
I haven't found such script in the Messenger Plus repository, and a search in the forum reveals no useful info to me.

I downloaded the script API and I think the OnEvent_ChatWndReceiveMessage event handler is the right one I should use to intercept such messages. At least it works with winks, but nudges aren't included there. This thread makes me assume that nudges are messages that are not catched by this event yet (though I haven't tested this). If this is not possible, then I think this would be beyond me and my experience :-).
Nudges aren't normal chat messages (unlike winks) and thus aren't catched with the ChatWndReceiveMessage event, as you can read in several threads which already exist about this subject (search for "nudges").

To catch nudges you need to sniff the protocol messages directly. And to stop them from even recieving your messenger you need to write a proxy and directly intercept those server messages on the protocol level.

However, there are also already scripts which deal with nudge floods and block contacts (temporarly or not) who flooded you. eg:
CookieRevised's reply to [Request] Block on x nudges in x seconds

This post was edited on 10-16-2006 at 09:39 PM by CookieRevised.
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10-16-2006 09:36 PM
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O.P. RE: Blocking nudges, buzzes or zumbidos
Thanks CookieRevised. Guess I didn't catch the option when scanning that menu.

This post was edited on 10-16-2006 at 09:39 PM by cyrax256.
10-16-2006 09:38 PM
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RE: Blocking nudges, buzzes or zumbidos [SOLVED]
I turn off my nudges sometimes....But people can still nudge me, and i have the nudgeback script so i get some....
You cannot send a Nudge because your options don't allow Nudges right now. To allow Nudges, click the Tools menu, and click Options. Select Messages in the left pane, and then select "Allow me to send and receive Nudges".

10-18-2006 07:29 AM
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