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[request]Key press notifier
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Scripting Contest Winner

Koffie, my cat ;)

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RE: [request]Key press notifier
I made a script like this a while ago.
It displays a toast when someone is typing to you and you don't have a conversation window open with that contact.
If you click the toast it will (ofcourse) open a convo with the contact.

I can upload it if anyone's interested.
10-23-2006 09:25 AM
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RE: [request]Key press notifier
Originally posted by Jesus
I made a script like this a while ago.
It displays a toast when someone is typing to you and you don't have a conversation window open with that contact.
If you click the toast it will (ofcourse) open a convo with the contact.

I can upload it if anyone's interested.
i'm very interested, please upload it. sounds great. So it tells you if someone is typing a message to you? Thats wicked if it does
10-23-2006 09:34 AM
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Scripting Contest Winner

Koffie, my cat ;)

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RE: [request]Key press notifier
Here it is,
please note this line:
xniff.IP = getLocalIp(); // assign your last local IP address, automatically detected (if you want to force a specific ip to listen to, just set it as a string 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX')

if you have multiple network adapters (or if you have VMware or something like that installed), just replace getLocalIp() with the IP address of the network adapter you use to connect to the internet, eg:
xniff.IP = ""; // assign your last local IP address, automatically detected (if you want to force a specific ip to listen to, just set it as a string 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX')
like it says in the comment ;)

also, Xniff might have problems with wireless connections. I don't know the ins and outs about that, but if you're having problems on wireless, it might be that.

have fun :)

edit: oops, forgot to include the script:P

edit2: oh and it's in dutch... but it's only 1 line to translate: " is een bericht aan het typen." is dutch for " is typing a message."

.plsc File Attachment: TypingNotifier.plsc (271.56 KB)
This file has been downloaded 407 time(s).

This post was edited on 10-23-2006 at 12:40 PM by Jesus.
10-23-2006 11:53 AM
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RE: [request]Key press notifier
Originally posted by Jesus
Here it is,
please note this line:
xniff.IP = getLocalIp(); // assign your last local IP address, automatically detected (if you want to force a specific ip to listen to, just set it as a string 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX')

if you have multiple network adapters (or if you have VMware or something like that installed), just replace getLocalIp() with the IP address of the network adapter you use to connect to the internet, eg:
xniff.IP = ""; // assign your last local IP address, automatically detected (if you want to force a specific ip to listen to, just set it as a string 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX')
like it says in the comment ;)

also, Xniff might have problems with wireless connections. I don't know the ins and outs about that, but if you're having problems on wireless, it might be that.

have fun :)

edit: oops, forgot to include the script:P

edit2: oh and it's in dutch... but it's only 1 line to translate: " is een bericht aan het typen." is dutch for " is typing a message."
Thanks thats good. I don't think i ill have to change anything but ... i might.
10-23-2006 12:50 PM
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RE: [request]Key press notifier
Originally posted by Jesus
I made a script like this a while ago.
It displays a toast when someone is typing to you and you don't have a conversation window open with that contact.
If you click the toast it will (ofcourse) open a convo with the contact.

though some notes:

1) The script has problems when you use polygamy. When a user has two messengers open this can easly be checked upon with:
var Email = arrdata[1]; // index 12 should give the same email
if (Email !== Messenger.MyEmail) {
... do your stuff
2) You assume nick is always in the contactlist. This might not be so in a multi-contact conversation. So additional checking is required there too. Or don't grab the nickname from Messenger.MyContacts.GetContact(Email).Name but grab it from the protocol message directly (decodeURI(arrdata[2])).

3) the global array found isn't needed. The found variable can be a local boolean.

4) Although not so crucial in this script, you should be carefull in using timers like that. The timer will still be running when it was started right before the user signs out (and another one signs in). This makes that your array will be used for other users also and in some scripts (this one too, in a specific situation) this will lead to errors or even manipulation of the contactlist of the wrong user.

5) in ScriptInfo.xml: the ocx is a ActiveX DLL, this should be listed in <OleFiles>, not <DotNetFiles>.



This is my version of the script, made from scratch but with your idea:

.plsc File Attachment: Notifier - Typing.plsc (273.82 KB)
This file has been downloaded 1056 time(s).

This post was edited on 11-21-2006 at 02:20 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
10-23-2006 07:41 PM
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Scripting Contest Winner

Koffie, my cat ;)

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RE: RE: [request]Key press notifier
Hey Cookie, thanks for your reply ;)
you have indeed got some points here, but i'll respond to them one by one.
Originally posted by CookieRevised

though some notes:

1) The script has problems when you use polygamy. When a user has two messengers open this can easly be checked upon with:
var Email = arrdata[1]; // index 12 should give the same email
if (Email !== Messenger.MyEmail) {
... do your stuff

You're right here, but i don't use polygamy so I didn't bother ;)

2) You assume nick is always in the contactlist. This might not be so in a multi-contact conversation. So additional checking is required there too. Or don't grab the nickname from Messenger.MyContacts.GetContact(Email).Name but grab it from the protocol message directly (decodeURI(arrdata[2])).

If the nick in the toast is not in my list, I don't want to see a toast if they're typing to me (someone else might, but I don't), apart from that I've blocked everyone who's not on my list ;) In multi contact convo's, I wouldn't want a toast for everyone that's typing in there. I see now that I might get a toast like "undefined is typing a message", but i'd fix that by checking if (nick != undefined), so I only get toasts from users on my list.
Also, wouldn't grabbing emails that are NOT on your contactlist cause trouble with the toasts callback function?
3) the global array found isn't needed. The found variable can be a local boolean.
You're right, I got confused because I first wanted to merge both arrays into one, but for some reason dropped that plan and did it this way.
4) Although not so crucial in this script, you should be carefull in using timers like that. The timer will still be running when it was started right before the user signs out (and another one signs in). This makes that your array will be used for other users also and in some scripts (this one too, in a specific situation) this will lead to errors or even manipulation of the contactlist of the wrong user.
I don't see how my script can manipulate anyones contactlist.
But then again, I don't know that much about scripting to know what's wrong with it :P
I see you used the same (or at least very similar) method, except for the my@email.com: in front of it.

5) in ScriptInfo.xml: the ocx is a ActiveX DLL, this should be listed in <OleFiles>, not <DotNetFiles>.
lol, I took that right out of the Xniff thread, this post, worked for me (probably because I had already registered the ocx)

my version of the script:


This post was edited on 10-24-2006 at 01:53 AM by Jesus.
10-24-2006 01:04 AM
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