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[Ideas] Tabbed Windows and Custom tray icon
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O.P. [Ideas] Tabbed Windows and Custom tray icon
just have my first try to Messenger Plus! Live.

Me love the tabbed chats a lot.

And also the feature "Multiple Accounts" which allow me to login several accounts at once, no more switching, and me now can login to the work, gaming and personal account at once(H)

Me have ideas might improve this feature,
1.) Is it possible to gruop all Messenger Windows in to one, just like the tabbed chats, this will save a lot of my taskbar space

2.) Changing the system tray icon for different account(me found that MPL can keep different account settings separately)? so that me can easy to know the icon are belong to which account and bring them into focus easily

3.) The others side feature suggestion/request,
remove from taskbar
remove the advertisement panel or make it smaller(because my screen not very big... it spend too much space:P)
remove the "search the web" and "Find a contact..."

10-27-2006 04:55 AM
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RE: [Ideas] Tabbed Windows and Custom tray icon
1) This can't really be done because it can cause more problems if you mix up which account you are using to talk to a contact imo (like all of your accounts that are signed in might be talking to the same person and I can see some problems with people mixing it up).  I personally would prefer a way to differentiate between the different accounts rather than mixing them up even more. (just my opinion)

2) You can change the tool-tip (the ballon that comes up when you hover over the icon) with the use of the script in [Release] Email tooltip.  This i probably your best option, at least for the moment.

3) i) There i a script that can do that plus a lot more though there are some bugs with it at the moment, they aren't too bad.  The script can be found in Messenger Plus! Live Enhancer.

ii) Plus has not done this for a number of versions (if I remember rightlyit did it back ages ago) instead most people these days use the likesof mess patch from http://mess.be or a-patch to get rid of the ads andcustomise the look of their messenger further.

iii) Both the Patches I listed about can do this or you too.

I hope I have helped, if you need any more information, just ask :cheesy:
[Image: markee.png]
10-27-2006 05:48 AM
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RE: [Ideas] Tabbed Windows and Custom tray icon
3) www.apatch.org/features.php

This post was edited on 10-27-2006 at 06:00 AM by Ahmad.
10-27-2006 05:58 AM
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