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How can I save the email addresses of contacts from 1 group only to a file?
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O.P. How can I save the email addresses of contacts from 1 group only to a file?
How can I save the email addresses of contacts from 1 group only to a file?

in msn live i can not find. in vers. 7.5 this is possible!!! pls help me :)

This post was edited on 11-08-2006 at 07:49 PM by tel2b.
11-08-2006 07:34 PM
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RE: how can I in msn live a group to a file save?
If you mean: "How can I save the email addresses of contacts from 1 group only to a file":

This is not possible....*

Messenger only allows you to save your full contact list. And in the saved file there are no indications of which contact belongs to what group.

Also Plus!Live can not do this as it does not have access to groups. This is because there is still a bug in Windows Live Messenger which doesn't allow access to groups (or rather: it is either very unreliable or either it will crash when you want to retrieve group information).

*It is possible if you sniff the network traffic using a sniffer or request the info using a proxy from the currently used notification server (note this is not the same server as the switchboard server used in so called "open window notifiers" or "session notifers").

This post was edited on 11-08-2006 at 08:08 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
11-08-2006 07:42 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: how can I in msn live a group to a file save?
this is in vers- 7.5 possible. you can one group save in live i can not find. may be script?

Originally posted by CookieRevised
If you mean: "How can I save the email addresses of contacts from 1 group only to a file":

This is not possible....

Messenger only allows you to save your full contact list. And in the saved file there are no indications of which contact belongs to what group.

Also Plus!Live can not do this as it does not have access to groups. This is because there is still a bug in Windows Live Messenger which doesn't allow access to groups (or rather: it is either very unreliable or either it will crash when you want to retrieve group information).

11-08-2006 07:45 PM
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RE: How can I save the email addresses of contacts from 1 group only to a file?
It is not possible in Windows Live Messenger (yet) because of its bug regarding groups as I explaned in my previous post....

In MSN Messenger this is indeed possible as it doesn't have that bug, however Plus!3 (compatible with MSN Messenger 7.x and lower) doesn't support scripts. It does support plugins though.

So if you make a plugin which accesses the Messenger object, it is possible to make... for MSN Messenger only.

This post was edited on 11-08-2006 at 08:11 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
11-08-2006 08:10 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: How can I save the email addresses of contacts from 1 group only to a file?

Originally posted by CookieRevised
It is not possible in Windows Live Messenger (yet) because of its bug regarding groups as I explaned in my previous post....

In MSN Messenger this is indeed possible as it doesn't have that bug, however Plus!3 (compatible with MSN Messenger 7.x and lower) doesn't support scripts. It does support plugins though.

So if you make a plugin which accesses the Messenger object, it is possible to make... for MSN Messenger only.

11-08-2006 08:12 PM
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