hey. my younger brother has a mock radio show as a project in his school. his group has decided upon the topic as "technology", where they plan to show the developments in technology through the times.
i was thinking if anyone can give any interesting ideas as to how to go about the show and how to conduct it, with different ways like quizes, talk shows and stuff. please can you give some ideas?
Will they be actually be recording it and what else is involved? I've got a few ideas in mind, but if I know more details I'll see if the ideas will fit
I'll never forget how lucky I was 7574 days, 15 hours, 18 minutes, 34 seconds ago
quote:Originally posted by M73A
if anyone listens to chris moyles podcasts they'll be familiar with father quizmass not necessarily technology, but definitely festive
lmao, I was laughing so much at that. + Celebrity cough
quote:Originally posted by M73A
if anyone listens to chris moyles podcasts they'll be familiar with father quizmass not necessarily technology, but definitely festive
lmao, I was laughing so much at that. + Celebrity cough
hahah!! yea!
and the one where chris grabs aled by the davina mcalls lmfao!
could do somethign with anagrams (ike doms game)
This post was edited on 11-11-2006 at 09:15 PM by M73A.