Originally posted by Matty
You will need to code it so it find the ID number based on the profile name or however its done.
Well I want it so that I could type:
/PlayerID *players ID here*
So basically I just want that number to be attached to the end of the link the game is using. (Keep in mind this is the first thing I've written in JS
Btw heres my code:
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart)
function OnGetScriptCommands()
var s = "<ScriptCommands>";
s += " <Command>";
s += " <Name>PlayerID</Name>";
s += " <Description>Search Player ID's!</Description>";
s += " </Command>";
s += "</ScriptCommands>";
return s;
Debug.Trace("Hello World!");
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd, strMessage)
if (strMessage.charAt(0) != '/') return strMessage;
var arrMessage = strMessage.split(' ');
var strCommand = arrMessage[0];
case "/PlayerID":
var idnumber = "2";
MsgPlus.DisplayToast("Game Search", "You have searched for idnumber", "Please wait.");
//Interop.Call("shell32", "ShellExecuteW", ChatWnd.Handle, "open", "http://www.game.com/profiles.php?XID=" + idnumber;
new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("http://www.game.com/profiles.php?XID=" + idnumber);
return "";
return strMessage;
Debug.Trace("Hello World!");
function OnEvent_Uninitialize(MessengerExit)