Full of ideas this week arn't i? hehe. Sorry if they're all rubbish, but i figured any ideas better than no idea at all....
hopefully haha
Many many many... many people now use special characters in their display name.
I just used the contact search feature of WLM and noticed alot of my public contact list does not even return many successful search results unless the string is in their email address (and searching emails isnt exactly perfect
I don't think this would be added in Messenger Plus!, however i believe that it would be a really good feature if it could be created by other means.
etc ...
If a database of these characters could be added so that it replaces it with its recognizable letter, even duplicates (so you could add more than 1 character for E, etc ...), then the contact search (in my opinion) would be ALOT better and the chances of finding contacts would be highly successful.
Also maybe if you could manually add characters to the database so that if you ever came across another character in your contact list which you didn't successfully find before, it would the next time you searched. Users could even share their databases too which would give people urge to create them.
Sorry if it's not fully understandable, i tried using the special characters in here for examples but they were replaced with raw ALT codes.
Kind Regards,