well....it's like this!
a have WLMSN 8.1 last relese, and msn plus latest version also.........and sp3beta and disovery latest version, and msn Shell......and a 'bout 15 scripts instaled.......but, some time ago, I noticed that when my conctacts are online and Isend them a msg, a get a error msg that says that it couldn't be sent.........and when i uninstal the scripts [ btw it crashaes a LOT ] it's working fine.......so now i have none of the scritps, and can't found which one is making problems cuz when I instal all of them I use, it works, and than it starts all over again.....and i tryed yo install other scripts, and the same thing is happening...so it isn't problem withe wich scripts are instaled......
can anyone try to help?
ok...never mind, i solved the problemS myself.......