agreed with what markee said....
To maybe (I hope
) give a few hints: to know what those functions are and do, I suggest you take a look at the source of existing scripts. You don't need to understand every piece of code immediatly, that can come later. It is at this point important that you reconize the functions in the scripts with what is said about them in the documentation.
As for the syntax used in the documentation to describe functions, try to understand what it means, what the used symbols mean, etc. Do this again by looking at existing scripts and comparing the syntax in the documentation with how it is done in practice in scripts.
Once you start to understand this, you'll find yourself progressing quickly and learning the principles very quickly. After that it is only a question of knowing most of the existing functions of JScript, the language used to write Plus! scripts (for this there is also a documentation available in the scripting database: "
Windows Scripting Documentation").
But also know that even the best programmers don't know all the functions by hart. But they do know that there is a certain function for doing something, so they can search the documentation for it. Knowing which functions exist is simply a matter of reading a documentation, and quite often also following related links in the documentation.
Aka: it simply comes down to being curious and reading the explaination of a function, so you'll remember that there is a function x for doing y. Just like you would learn new words in your mothertongue in school and using a dictionary (except there is no annoying teacher and it's way more fun
And a good programmer also constantly verifies what functions do and/or how they actually work. Because it is indeed not easy to know each and every small detail of all the functions. But the important thing is, in my humble opinion, learning to search so you can look things up and understand them.
And, as with all things, the more you do it, the better you'll be with it (this includes searching).
Happy learning/Scripting