is there a folder or anything that you can access all your saved emoticons on your msn? not the default emotions the ones you add yourself from other contacts. or is there any way at all 2 get 2 them outside of msn so that you can save them.. i downloaded an msn plugin called stuff-plug that lets u save emoticons to your computer that your contacts have sent you but it doesnt let you save the ones that you send or that you already have in your emotions.. reason being i have an old msn account with loads of emotions in it but having troubles sending them from my old account to my new 1 as the messages dont seem 2 be getting delivered, think its because im logged in on both accounts on same pc.. so i figured if i can find a way 2 save the emotions to my pc then i can add them onto my new msn
any ideas people? any plugins i missed that do it? or maybe even some1 could do a plugin that does this
would be very handy
.. help please