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MsgPlus! shouldn't enable chat logging for new users by default
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O.P. RE: MsgPlus! shouldn't enable chat logging for new users by default
I wanted to call your attention again to some things here.

It is not something directly related to reading Configuration Wizard because administrator of a computer can disable it to pop-up for new users from registry, can't he? So Messenger Plus! will start logging some people's conversations who signed in that computer without their will. (Remember something: "Privacy is the first one: no feature will ever be added that could compromise the privacy or the security of your contacts (like block detection schemes)." and we can add here 'security of users' also.) Also if they don't know Plus! and can't recognize its icons in some places, that is the worst thing.

To friends who said "People should be aware of what they're doing, or what they're installed": Firstly there are people who download messenger plus! when they learned Messenger Plus! is required to color nicknames for instance so they are not interested in other features. For example, if you have to install a program to succeed something, it may be your homework or whatever, do you bother to explore every option of that program? So same here, if people installed Messenger Plus! for some other reasons like colorful nicks, why does Messenger Plus! want to log their chats? Secondly, in fact it is not directly related to installing a program because some other people may have installed it previously, so other users may not even know Messenger Plus! is installed on that computer.

And some other issue about chat logging of Plus!: OK, it asks for it in the Configuration Wizard, but in fact it starts to log them, doesn't it? So why the hell does it ask for it  then? We call such behaviour as faitaccompli, right? Also remember that, people on messenger may generally want to greet newcomers to Online at the coming time, and also remember Offline Messages which may come when you sign in firstly on a computer which MsgPlus! is installed. So if such messages are saved, even if you uncheck option on Config. Wizard, they remain in My Chat Logs folder. But because people think they unchecked the option of Logging, they won't bother to go to My Chat Logs folder to delete such log files.

In fact disabling it for the start wouldn't be a perfect solution either. Because in this case, there would be unsaved greeting messages for instance in the log files.

So, Messenger Plus! too should use the system which WLM uses for chat logging. I love WLM due to this system it uses. And my ideas in my previous post didn't change for me, I still support them. .......these are my ideas, and I think they are worth of being considered again. Thanks for reading.
06-02-2007 10:12 PM
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RE: RE: MsgPlus! shouldn't enable chat logging for new users by default
Originally posted by ahmetgns
For example, if you have to install a program to succeed something, it may be your homework or whatever, do you bother to explore every option of that program?
absolutely yes! And that should be normal behaviour of everybody, it should be second nature to do so.

Of course not everybody will explore every small piece and detail of the program, but the chat logging is extremely clear to find and to understand. It isn't an advanced and obscured feature which many people wont understand or wont find. It is very clear what 'chat logging' means and it is extremely clearly noted in the Config Wizard, which is the _least_ what new people should read....

Originally posted by ahmetgns
Secondly, in fact it is not directly related to installing a program because some other people may have installed it previously, so other users may not even know Messenger Plus! is installed on that computer.
Another second nature should be to first check stuff before you're going to use a computer of someone else. In fact, Plus!'s logging will be the least of your worries if you're going to use a PC of someone else, believe me.

And if both you and the owner of the PC are a bit smart you create a new Windows account without admin priveledges, a guest account. And if you use that Plus! will not log chats by default already.

I would never let someone use my PC on my own admin account, that's almost plain stupid and asking for trouble.

So, Messenger Plus! too should use the system which WLM uses for chat logging. I love WLM due to this system it uses.
If you read around a bit you'll notice that extremely many people hate such a system with popups and "don't show me this message again"-stuff. And most people immediatly tick the option to not show those popups.

Again, nothing needs to be changed in the current system. Your suggested 'systems' will make it many times more complicated than it needs to be. The only thing which maybe could be changed is the default state, absolutely nothing more.

This post was edited on 06-03-2007 at 12:27 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-03-2007 12:22 AM
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RE: MsgPlus! shouldn't enable chat logging for new users by default
so what ur really saying is.. disable everything in msgplus i mean everything. y? well becuase someone might not know you can play sounds and such....
06-03-2007 09:22 AM
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