Originally posted by ahmetgns
I found some logic flaw here.
Bram said that, A was listening to the music and his contact B wanted to hear a sample of it. So according to Bram's suggestion, B will write the command /listen and A's Messenger will recognize that command and make a voice clip and send it to B. Here, the person who has to have some special tool for this automatic sending is A. So why the hell shall B send the command and wait for the sample?
Because B will invoke the automatic creation of a voice clip and sending it. That is what remote commands do.... (and the unwritten rule says that remote commands should start with "!", not with "/").
If this script will work in which the way Bram suggested then this script will be very strange. Because it won't be used by us but, actually our script we downloaded will be used by others. And we must inform them about the existence of the script which we have by writing something like this "If you want to get a sample of my Current Media, send /listen command to me".
How is that strange? This is how all scripts with remote commands work.
Also either / or !, it doesn't make any difference.
Yes it does, read/search the forums about the use of commands and possible consequences with other scripts and even other addons.
Nevertheless, something like what has been suggested here (listening to your contact's music) is already possible in Windows Live Messenger with the aid of an official Messenger Activity called
Music Mix.
For more info see here: