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[req] Quran/Bible script
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O.P. RE: [req] Quran/Bible script
ah ok hoping he replies too since hes done this before O_O
06-28-2007 08:20 PM
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RE: [req] Quran/Bible script
I was hoping somebody would make this so I could be lazy. If no-one fancies it, I might be able to give it ago sometime (sometime that isn't 3:30am :p)

The Bible can be done quite simply... Make arrays of book names, chapters and verses and generate a random number between 1 and the max.

randomly selects book 1... Checks number of chapters in book 1. generates number between 1 and (e.g. 30). We'll pretend it was chapter 4... Checks number of verses in chapter 4. generates number between 1 and (e.g. 65). We'll pretend it chooses verse 3.

Then loads and parses Genesis, Chapter 4, Verse 3 into either chat window or Plus window... (option perhaps).

Might give it a go tomorrow
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
07-01-2007 02:43 AM
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O.P. RE: [req] Quran/Bible script
sorry for the late reply i was busy staring at your avatar (H) Hope you do mate would be greatly appreciated by squillions of folks out there :o
07-18-2007 05:35 PM
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RE: [req] Quran/Bible script
I seriously doubt it would be that appreciated, and I doubt a squillion folks actually exist and would use a bible script, it's hardly a great feature ridden script and i doubt it'd get into the scripts database because of that.

If anything I think Technology should largely remain Religion free, accessible by anyone, unfortunately this is impossible as people can create their own websites etc and you will get some people who will take things too far in every religion.

The only use i could see this script having would be to make 'comebacks' to people who go on about Christianity or Islam to me if ever, I live behind a church and can't stand them, they've tried to block me using my back gate and have planted some small trees outside it and have piled up far too much manure against it too, they once confronted me too saying that i did not have a right of way (even though we do) so I started to quote some bible quotes at them and asked them why they thought that they were better than Jesus and do not follow some of their books teachings, for instance Jesus washing peoples feet and showing love to everyone, whilst spreading manure at my feet and not allowing me to walk to the shops via my own back gate.

I am not religious as you can tell, I'm quite anti-religion because my experiences of religions have never found me any peace or answered any questions, and the people from these religions also try to enforce their beliefs upon me and only believe that they are right.

I'm not anti-belief, far from it, I support Buddhism  for example which is more believing in yourself and following a generally good and respectful way of life (also I've had very good and fun experiences with Buddhist monks and shared a meal with them) If your beliefs keep you happy great, I'm glad for you. Just don't try to enforce your beliefs into modern life and it's people, you see this all the time now, religious types blaming this and that etc, CTRL+ALT+DEL web comic have recently had a story arc where the main character creates a religion around gaming yet the other religions of the world all come to abolish it for being 'stupid'

meh I've rambled too for far too long now, I'll save my thoughts for some other thread where it is more called for.

If a script is made, I suppose a favourite quotes section would be a good idea, or a sort of e-book of whichever book you were reading and bookmarked where you had got up to
07-18-2007 09:29 PM
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