At least get your abbrevations correct, the info given in this thread is very incorrect, and some things are even not used at all (just made up)...
MSN is not Microsoft Network
Messenger (and please don't even encourage people to use 'MSN' as abbrevation for Messenger, that's equally wrong as to calling Plus!: 'MSN Plus')
I have never seen 'WM' being used, same with 'CC', 'CLW', 'SF', and even 'WLMD/B'.
'PSM' is not Personal
status message.
'IM' is not a convo/conversation window.
Originally posted by ahmetgns
And please add these abbreviations' meanings, because I don't know what they stand for? These are not Messenger abbreviations but...
wtf? imo this is off topic iirc and you know it (so why doing it?) ... and those abbrevations can very easly be found on the net if you just google it...
eg: one of the millions of lists:
PS: Although using abbrevations is common, it is not always encouraged on forums. Posts on forums aren't limited by the amount of characters. And as you can see in this thread already, people will not always use the abbrevations correctly and this can lead to misconceptions and misunderstandings, _especially_ on support forums like these where details are important to be able to help someone.
If you want to use not so common abbrevations in your posts (like DP, CE, etc) then simply add a line on the bottom of your post to explain them, otherwise try to use the proper full names of things...
PS: is far from accurate also...
Search google for 'internet jargon' or 'internet abbrevations', etc and you'll find tons of sites with lists...
Bottom line, this thread should not be stickyfied at all, sorry, but that's just mho though
Not to mention and iirc, there is already such a thread... somewhere...