I've done some readin around and this seems to be a problem with how the installer was programmed and compiled. It seems it got something todo with manifests, assemblies and other mombo jumbo
So it might indicate that the WLM installer was compiled in the wrong way, or that there is even a bug in VC++ or its redistributables.
I would really really really encourage to report this to Microsoft.
Have you tried re-installing Windows, from scratch (= format, not a re-install)? I know this is a severe thing to do, but still...
When you get this error it indicates there is something wrong with the installation of Windows; that is, it is missing some components or there are some screwups in some DLLs or whatever (you didn't messed around too much in Windows didn't you?).
But first, try to install this:
It has been reported that it would solve some cases of that error.
Now, I dunno how good it will work on Vista. Use it at your own risk!
If this was on Windows XP, I would also suggest to first reinstall the Windows Installer 3.0. But since this is Vista, I dunno.
So, to sum up:
1) Out of interest, I would like you to do a global search on your disk for "msvcr80.dll.local". Normally there shouldn't be any file like that. Post back if you did or didn't found it.
2) Also, check in C:\Program Files\Windows Live\installer if there is a file called "Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest" and "msvcr80.dll". Post back if those files are there or not.
3) Now, make sure you remove EVERYTHING related to Messenger:
CookieRevised's reply to Windows Live Messenger BIG PROBLEM!
Follow those instructions VERY carefully and make sure you do not skip anything.
After that install the
C++ redist package.
Only then re-download WLM from the official site and try to re-install it.
But above all,
report it to Microsoft ASAP!